Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent
13 “When they were sick, I wore sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting.I prayed with head bowed on my bosom, 14 as though I grieved for a friend or a sibling; I went about as one who laments for a mother, bowed down and in mourning” Psalm 35:13-14.
Consider in prayer today all that the Lord did for you on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Consider what He does for you every day! As the Psalmist reminds us, Jesus saw that each of us was sick, so He grieved for us and fasted for us, praying for us. He saw us as friends and family, and so He grieved and lamented. This is what Jesus did when He died on the cross for each of us. More than grieving and mourning us, He saved us. This is why Good Friday and Easter Sunday belong together.
Take this to prayer today. Nothing more and nothing less.
Be grateful.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me a sinner.