“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11: 28-30.
Consider moments when you have been rejected. Such painful times, if we are not careful, can lead to self-rejection. “Did I cause others to reject me because I am really so unloveable?” When you have gone through a traumatic — even malicious — firing at work; when you have had a close friend or companion reject you, how utterly painful is your loss. What have you done? I hope and pray you have run back to God to remain prayerfully in His glorious presence. Let The Lord dry away your tears. Remain with Him through it all, and eventually when the time is right for HIM, He will bring you back. Stay obedient to The Lord at all times, reading and meditating on the Scriptures, and The Lord will fill you with His grace of humility — the utter desire to do everything God wants you to do.
In the midst of great pain, deep feelings of rejection and loss, The Lord calls us all back to Him! But think about it: where else can we go but back to the Lord?! It is The Lord who brings us back to Him, for we cannot find our way back to Him on our own efforts and schemes. In the midst of your greatest tears, do not give up. Come back! Come back!
The Lord promises Soul Rest, the peace that only He can give us. HOPE!
Look at what The Lord is promising: that He will yoke us once again to Himself — He will embrace us and hold us and dry our tears. The Lord will forgive us and give us strength again. If we remain in Him He will teach us, He will be our Rabbi, our Savior! He will let us drink from the cup of His gentleness and humility, for that is what fills His heart.
The path the Lord has laid out for us in life is easy, and the burdens of rejection and other great pains and losses will end up being light because He will carry us through them all by yoking Himself to us.
Consider this: Jesus yoked Himself to His Father in heaven, and so Easter Sunday made Good Friday “easy” and “light” even though they were the most painful experience of rejection the world has ever witnessed. This is why we must “Come back!”
Lord Jesus Christ, son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Lord, sometimes I am in such deep pain, suffering such great loss and rejection. Sometimes my heart is so broken. Sometimes I am scared to death. Give me the grace to come back to You — forever.