“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” James 1: 19 & 22.
It is so important to listen purposively when in conversation with another person, for nothing matters more than that moment. Nothing is more important than the person with who you are speaking. The same is true of prayer; we must be attentive to and patient with the Lord who is always present at the moment of prayer. Do not allow your memories of the past or your concerns of the future distract. When that happens, as it surely will, run back to God. Remain present at that very specific moment in prayer, and that will mean everything. Why has God drawn you to pray? What does God wish you to understand and feel? What deep love does God wish for you to feel? Listen. Pay attention. Remain lovingly present at that very moment.
In the presence of a friend who has come to talk, listen attentively, speaking only occasionally and at the very end. Too often we allow our thoughts to race about in the conversation. We interrupt frequently in conversation. Listen. Don’t speak. Listen with love and understanding, and feel the person speaking. And when you find yourself getting impatient and angry, you have ceased to listen and instead are on the verge of reacting. Calm down and return to listening. Let your thoughts and feelings of anger be a warning: you are not listening, but reacting. Ask questions. Explore the deeper feelings of the person with whom you are speaking. Then, when the time has come, speak gently and lovingly and God will use you to help.
In prayer, listen to God. Push away your distracting thoughts and listen. You may hear The Lord’s voice; you may not. Listening to The Lord helps you be aware of His presence. Remain in the presence of God. The more you pray, the deeper you pray, the less you will need to speak to the Lord. Being with Him will suffice. Give your anger to the Lord and then walk away from it into His presence. He already knows how you feel — and why.
Stay in God’s Word in prayer and throughout the day — and be obedient. Jesus always wished to do the will of His Father in heaven. So He spoke little in prayer. “Not my will, but Yours be done” was Jesus’ prayer. Jesus so desired to be obedient to the will of His Father. Humility, one of the greatest gifts of God, is the desire and grace to do whatever the Lord desires you to do. Humility is deep obedience. Obedience is what the Lord desires of us.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Lord, I love You deeply and wish to be obedient to You. Help me carve out some time today to be in Your presence and to listen to You and Your Word. I want so much to be obedient to You. Teach me to listen to Your voice in my life. Let me know the great chasm that exists between “talking ABOUT You and talking TO You.”